Genesis Campaign - Registration Results!
Supply registration
Registered EOS: 988,025,829.3013 EOS (98.8%)
Registered (incl fallback): 996,690,678.8329 EOS (99.7%)
Unregistered: 3,301,220.3641 EOS (0.3%)
Wallet registration
Registered wallets: 132,192 wallets (72.0%)
Registered (incl fallback): 163,930 wallets (89.3%)
Unregistered: 19,587 wallets (10.7%)
What is EOS registration?
Registration or "Mapping" associates your ethereum wallet with a EOS public key. Your EOS will only be accessible on mainnet if you do this. More on these terms.
How can I check if I have completed registration?
It takes 2 minutes to check! Find your ethereum address and then use our EOS Registration verification tool.
How do I register?
There are several guides online. There are also YouTube videos. The best guide is probably the one from Sean Mitchell at Block One.
When should I register?
Register now. ERC20 EOS tokens are frozen 23 hours after June 1, 2018 at 22:59:59 UTC. That's the last registration window.
What happens if do not register?
It is highly recommended to register. Fortunately, we also have a Fallback mechanism which will save a majority of unregistered wallets.
How can I help the campaign?
Please encourage everyone that owns EOS to check that they have registered or if they are covered by fallback. Spread the word!
What is Fallback registration?
This was an amazing idea from Jimmy Calfee (eosjs) and Sean Mitchell (sandwich). Essentially they managed to convert an Ethereum Public Key into an EOS Public Key.
Am I all set using Fallback?
If our platform shows you an account name and an EOS public key, you are all set. Instructions to generate your EOS fallback keys from your ETH Private key.
Why didn't fallback get to 100%?
A bit complicated. Ethereum public keys are only on-chain if an address has an outgoing transaction. Not all addresses have outgoing transactions.