Vote for EOS Authority
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This is required for voting on our website.
Vote for EOS Authority
Scatter is a browser based extension required to vote on the EOS blockchain. Scatter promises to store your EOS Private key securely. Scatter will not share your Private Key with us or any other website.
Please install Scatter and then reload this page.
Vote for EOS Authority
Scatter detected, follow steps to vote for EOS Authority.
1. Scatter will need to connect to the EOS network.
2. You will need to import your EOS account into Scatter.
3. Vote for EOS Authority (Optional: add more BPs)
4. Scatter will then sign the voting transaction.
I accept the Ricardian Contract associated with the VoteProducer action.
The intent of the voteproducer action is to cast a valid vote for up to 30 BP candidates.
As an authorized party I signer wish to vote on behalf of voter in favor of the block producer candidates producers with a voting weight equal to all tokens currently owned by voter and staked for CPU or bandwidth.
If I am not the beneficial owner of these shares I stipulate I have proof that I've been authorized to vote these shares by their beneficial owner(s).
I stipulate I have not and will not accept anything of value in exchange for these votes, on penalty of confiscation of these tokens, and other penalties.
I acknowledge that using any system of automatic voting, re-voting, or vote refreshing, or allowing such a system to be used on my behalf or on behalf of another, is forbidden and doing so violates this contract.